Understanding Shoreland Zones
If you are purchasing property or working on a project on land that is near a river, wetland, lake, ocean, or even a stream, it’s important to know what you are and are not allowed to do according to Maine’s Mandatory Shoreland Zoning Act.
Your project may be in a Shoreland Zone if it is:
- 250 feet from lake, tidal area, or significant wetland
- 75 foot setback to structures from tidal area or stream (generally)
- 100 foot setback from lake
Pro-Tip: Check your town zoning map. Many towns have resources available online including ordinances and zoning maps. Be aware of different shoreland zones and on the lookout for resource protection areas.
There are a lot of variables that can impact your project if it falls within a Shoreland Zone, and there may be additional regulations you will need to follow if your property is near a coastal bluff, wetland, or bird habitat.
We’re here to help simplify the process.
At Herrick & Salsbury, Inc., we can help you determine if your property is in a shoreland zone and work with you to ensure your project meets all the permitting requirements.
We’ve put together a free guide to help you:
- Learn what a Shoreland Zone is and how it can impact your project
- Know the starting point for measuring setbacks
- Determine your municipal zone
- Understand additional regulations in coastal bluff areas, bird habitats, and wetlands
- Streamline the process with a planning checklist